result da keluar hati ada sikit tenteram mak aih pnjg btol title entry ini
result ckup mkn jek..alhamdulillah..xpe sem dpn buat lg..maknenye kne jd skema lg..adoi smpai bilaaaaa~~,smpai bilaaaaaa~..beginiiii....~
xkesah lah 2..aku ade 1 motivasi untuk semua..kite bace same2 dgn nada yang tggi..
if you think you're beaten,you are.
if you think you dare not,you dont.
if you like to win,but you think you cant,
it is almost certain you wont.
if you think you'll lose,you're lost.
for out of the world we find,
succes begin of the fellow's will.
it's all in the state of mind.
if u think you're outclassed,you are.
you've got to think high to rise,
you've got to be sure of yourself
before you can ever win a prize.
life's battle don't always go
to the stronger or faster man,
but sooner or later,
the man who win is the man.
ontah apobondo org putih ni carut gak xpela,akak aku bg bende ni soh tampal dlm bilik,kot..amek la sbagai motivasi ye semua...aku kalo nk motivasi senang jek,ak minat lancer,tampal r gambar lancer sebijik.wat wallpaper ke..ape susah ye dok?nk 6 pack tampal gmbar awek cun,eh brader tough..motivasi tu semua tu..
amende la den merepek ni..dlm ati ada gumbira sikit2 itu pasal la byk merepek ini hari..~haiizz~
4 byk plak cito kau:
congrats pok! :)
eden cipok : mak aiiiii....bdak skema
wah !!nice
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